the finale
Jun 14, 2021
you have been through so much, the both of you.
you laid awake at night, not thinking of your own well-being but worrying over his, as if you stopped he would cease to exist. but that’s not true, is it? he will be remembered throughout the ages, you will make sure of that. even as he has left this earth he will still hold his head up high, marble glistening in the sunlight. but you know more than just his legacy. you know him intimately, despite him not knowing you fully in return. you have seen his highest and lowest moments, and loved him through it all. everything you are is for him. every breath that fills your lungs is a beat of a song in his name.he is woven into your soul. that is why you stay, because you belong to him. yet you would give it all up in a heartbeat if it meant protecting him from dangers he both remembers and will never know. oh, how you love him, how you ache in his absence. that is your fatal flaw, that is why you have failed; your love for him overwhelms your sense of duty, and that is why you are here, ankle-deep in cold water, falling apart to the sounds of your own cries. you stand alone now, echoes of final words ringing in your skull. you decide that there is no you without him, that one cannot exist without the other, so you no longer try.
you can rest now.
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